Eva Marie Saint
You put something in their lives that they can't put there themselves.
Eva Marie Saint is an American actress. In a career spanning 70 years, she is possibly best known for starring in Elia Kazan's On the Waterfront, and Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest. She received Golden Globe and BAFTA Award nominations for A Hatful of Rain and won a Primetime Emmy Award for the television mini series People Like Us. Her film career also includes roles in Raintree County, Exodus, The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming, Nothing in Common, Because of Winn-Dixie, Superman Returns, and Winter's Tale.

Louise Frederickson
Eva Marie Saint plays Louise Frederickson, an American magazine writer who initially has little interest in motor sports, until she meets Jean-Pierre.
Sarti is married, but he and his estranged wife seem to have little in common, in fact Monique Delvaux Sarti seems primarily interested in having Jean-Pierre's name associated with her business concerns at the Delvaux Motor Company.
Louise and Jean-Pierre have an affair which lasts for almost the whole film, and is only ended by the dramatic events at the last race of the season.

I find it difficult to understand how this sort of thing can be going on. The celebrations. When a man lies in a hospital, possibly crippled for life.
Louise Frederickson Jean-Pierre Sarti
When I came here three months ago there was a place in my life that needed to be filled. You've done that.
You and, I suppose, the excitement of what you do.
But you offered me these things. You can't condemn me now for having accepted them.
No, I don't condemn you for that, darling. Sorry.
Jean-Pierre, you can stop. If you feel as you do, you could stop now.
No, it's not so easy. Not so easy.