That is a very good analysis of the challenge ahead,
Class D will be super competitive but I am hoping with the diversity of different car models the 914/6 will not necessarily dominate the field.
Also as with the previous Roadrace there will be a variety of different track types for the cars to negotiate (Raceway,Rally,Hillclimb), so what works well on one may not do so well on the others, as was the case last time around.
i am looking at 2 possibilities
An authentic Corvette Greenwood- more like a Group 5 type car or perhaps an excuse to make the Group 44 Jaguar XJ-S, both have a similar wheelbase and width.
Class C should be a very evenly balanced, and I am tempted to enter this one with my Ford Galaxie which I used for a Classic slot car event earlier in the year, although I would change the decals on it to a NASCAR style.
Class B is also very diverse range of classic road cars, I might expect to see a couple of previously entered cars here. If I was entering this one would probably let Stirling Moss have another run of his Mercedes 300SL although I would need to change his motor.
Class A I have thought that this class type was becoming a little too predictable perhaps, so I introduced the option for entering a wider variety of models from other standard slot car brands and the option of upgrading some running parts to see how this works out.
Not at all sure about what I would enter in this class, but probably a Supercar type like my Mclaren from the last Road Race.
However it is a little too soon to make up my mind as yet, but it will be great to see that very nicely presented Camero of Brumos, or indeed how the Pontiac GTO of Kev's turns out.