Special Track Pieces

Flexible Track
Ref: 2157 - Released 1987.
This comprises three pieces, two chicane sections (see 2158 below) and a special flexible track that goes between the chicane sections. The flexible track is 690mm long and is made from a series of 65 very short sections (9.4mm each) of hard polystyrene, which are designed to look like logs. These are linked together in such a way that the track can bend horizontally and vertically. The conductor rails are made of coil springs. At each end there is a short (40mm) rigid section, which connects to the narrow end of a chicane track or another flexible track. At its limits, the flexible track can be bent in the horizontal plane enough to make a 180° turn and vertically enough for it to form a circle when packed in its illustrated box. Curiously the main picture on the box shows the shorter flexible section from the 2312 Suspension Bridge (see below). This uses a similar section of flexible track but with only 45 sections. Because this was a later track, the chicane sections packed with it are all believed to be of type 2.
Ref: 2157 - Released 1987. 2 pieces 130mm each (2 types)
These pieces are the standard width at one end where they connect to other track sections. The rails then curve towards each other so that they are centred 23mm apart at the other end. The track also narrows to 87mm. The second section then connects the other way around opening up the rails so that you can connect to normal track again. The only track available to go between the narrow ends of the chicane section is the flexible track. I have only seen type 2 chicane track sections but I think it is almost certain that both types were produced.
Ford Crossing
Ref: 2301 - Released 1985.
This is a simple obstacle comprising three pieces, which are fixed into holes in two adjacent concave tracks. They form a flat stone and wood “bridge” above the shallow dip formed by the concave tracks. The box also includes 2 sprues of log obstacles (as in 2302 below).
Ford Crossing

Centre Obstacle
Ref: 2309 - Released 1985. (2 types)
This comprises a 260mm straight track with a high obstacle running along the middle. The cars will be lifted up on one side as they go along. 4 130mm borders are included. All the catalogue illustrations show the centre obstacle having type 1 borders fitted but both types were produced.

Ramp Jump
Ref: 2310 - Released 1985. (2 types)
This comprises a 260mm straight track with ramps, which the cars go up, then jump off. The obstacle includes barrels and sacks, which can be fitted to the track after the ramps.

Elevated Track (Rope Bridge)
Ref: 2311 - Released 1986.
This comprises a 260mm straight track with short ramps at each end and flexible “bridge” sections in between. The type of track is irrelevant as the ramps and bridges overlap the holes at the edge of the track so no trackside accessories can be fitted.
Elevated Track

Suspension Bridge
Ref: 2312 - Released 1987.

This is a spectacular slot car track and comes in a nicely illustrated box. It comprises...
- One flexible track piece, which with 45 “logs” and an overall length of 500mm, is similar to but shorter than the flexible track in the 2157 product.
- 2158 two chicane sections
- 2154 two concave and two convex tracks
- 2150 one standard straight
- 2151 one half straight
- 2 scenically decorated vinyl support pieces with 9 vinyl cross-pieces to support the track sections.
The tracks link together in the following order: - concave, standard straight, convex, chicane, flexible track, chicane, convex, half straight, concave. The four rigid pieces at each end are supported and the flexible section hangs in mid air. The overall length is 1380mm (4’6”). Cars must travel from the high side to the low side, as end of the suspended flexible track would be too steep for them to climb in the other direction. As this was a later obstacle, the track sections packed with it are all believed to be of type 2.
Chicane (Mountain pass)
Ref: 2313 - Released 1988.
This has the same track as a 2158 chicane but has scenic plastic mountains on both sides which are retained by the rectangular holes in the edges of the track. A decorative flexible “bridge” (actually the centre span from the 2311 Elevated track) runs between the mountains over the track. As this was a later obstacle, the chicane sections used with it are almost certainly all type 2.

See-Saw Obstacle
Ref: 2314 - Released 1989.
This comprises a 260mm straight track with a central seesaw. This will cause one side of the car to lift as it climbs one end of the see-saw. Once over the centre, the see-saw pivots and the car descends to the track again. Apart from the chicane, this is the only obstacle where the progress of one car affects the progress of the other. A car travelling behind another must be careful to wait till the leading car clears the seesaw before it can progress. Otherwise the car behind could be trapped under the seesaw or one or other or both cars could de-slot. This obstacle was the last to be produced in 1989 and is very hard to find. Almost certainly it was only ever produced with type 2 track.