Track Accessories

Various Obstacles
Ref: 2302 - Released 1985.
This box contains two grey and two brown sprues with a variety of barrels, sacks etc. and two brown sprues of small logs. All these obstacles have pegs to attach them to standard and half straights. It also includes six yellow plastic road signs with simple self-adhesive paper stickers which fit into the tops of the six 2304 Barrier Supports supplied (as well as 2305 Marker Stones) (see below). It should be noted that the pegs on the small obstacles are necessarily a tight fit into the holes in the track. They bend very easily rendering them useless so great care should be taken fitting them. They should also be left in the track sections rather than removed with each use. It should also be noted that it is rather difficult for the cars to negotiate these obstacles. The cars’ guides pivot along an axis in line with its length. The cars tend to be thrown sideways by these obstacles so the guide is quite easily pushed out of the slot. The barrier supports differ between types 1 and 2 (see bleow).
Track Borders (2 types)
Ref: 2303 - Released 1985. (2 types).
This box contains 4 130mm straight borders and 4 inner borders for standard curves. These are the only borders available for use with sts track. Borders are retained by lugs, which are pressed down into the rectangular holes in the edges of the track. Type 1 borders overlap the edge of the track by up to 7mm. The height of this overlap is about 4mm above the level of the track surface. This is not really an issue with the straight borders but on the inside of the curves, because the rear wheels will tend to trail towards the edge of the track, these borders can become something of an obstacle. Type 2 borders go completely to the side of type 2 track. Type 1 borders can be used on either track type. Type 2 borders should only be used on type 2 track. They will fit type 1 track but the lugs will stand proud of the track surface and the border will not reach the bottom edge of the track so they will be suspended above the surface on which the track is built rather than resting on it.

Barrier with supports
Ref: 2304 - Released 1985. (2 types).
This box contains 6 barrier sections (275mm each) and 24 separate supports. The barriers clip into the supports, which are retained by the rectangular holes in the edges of the track. The barrier supports have holes in the top to carry flags or road signs. There is no means of joining adjacent lengths of barrier so breaks are visible when barriers are used around bends. The barrier supports differ between types 1 and 2. Barriers using type 1 supports are held 4mm or so inside the edge of the track but this does not affect the running of the cars. Both types of support can be used on either type of track.
This two-piece approach is a very sensible way of fitting barriers. Because the supports that attach to the track are not fixed relative to the barrier, it never becomes necessary to attach the barrier at a join between track sections (where it is impossible) in a way that often occurs with normal one-piece systems. The sts barriers would have been better still if they had been supplied as a single long coiled length as shown in the 1985 and 1986 catalogue illustrations. Users could then have cut sections to the exact length they required. Curiously, early price lists (and box labels) describe the 2304 product as “Barriers (2 metres with supports)” when 6 lengths of 275mm total significantly less than 2 metres. This tends to support the view that Exin originally intended to supply barrier as single long lengths but changed their mind and forgot to change the description. It is extremely unlikely that barriers were ever supplied in single long lengths, certainly I have never seen any. Catalogues and price lists from 1987 onwards (as well as the later box labels) describe the product more accurately as “6 Barriers with supports”.

Marker Stones (Mojones)
Ref: 2305 - Released 1985. (2 types).
This box contains 24 marker stones, which are retained by the rectangular holes at the edge of the track and 16 self-adhesive paper flags with orange plastic poles. Each stone has a hole in the top, which can be used to hold a flag or a road sign. (The flags can also be inserted into the top of the barrier supports.) Type 2 marker stones have a tab projecting from the side of the stone so that the whole stone was to the side of the track. The tab of type 1 stones was part of the side of the stone itself (a section of which had been cut away) so that half the stone covered the edge of the track by about 4mm. This overlap is not important except perhaps if type 1 stones are used on the inside edge of standard curves. Type 1 stones can be used with type 2 track. Type 2 stones can also be used with type 1 track but the lugs will be proud of the surface of the edge of the track.

Two lane lap counter
Ref: 2125 - Released 1988. Includes start and half straight (both 130mm)
Please see the Main Track & Power page for more details and photo.