3rd-Jan-24, 01:49 PM

and welcome to my new Slot Car Proxy to correspond to the actual "Goodwood Revival" meeting in September.
Entry Registration/Payment Date - 1st August 2024
Car arrivals date no later than Monday 2nd September 2024.
Goodwood Revival Slot Car Proxy Programme
Event 1 Kinrara Trophy
Closed Cockpit GT Cars 1959-1964
Basics are in line motor orientation for slot cars fitted with S-Can or slimline motors Max 18K rpm (within eligible motor list ).
Standard or Scratch build cars based on any chassis type (excluding Procar lightweight body models with metal chassis)
Event 2 Gerry Marshall Trophy
Touring Car Sprint for cars between 1970-1982
Basics are in line or sidewinder models fitted with either S-can, Slimline or Long can motors with Max 23K rpm (within the eligible motor list)
Standard or scratch build cars based on any chassis (excluding Procar lightweight body models with metal chassis)
Event 3 Whitsun Trophy
Sports Prototypes 1950-1965
Basics are sidewinder only models fitted with only S-can only motors with Max 23K rpm (within eligible motor list)
Standard, scratch build or Procar RTR models based on any chassis (excluding Procar lightweight body models with metal chassis)
* Procar lightweight body eg NSR, Slot it, Thunderslot, Avant, Team Slot, TA71 (3d printed) etc
The Technical Rules, eligible motor and car lists are attached below
1) Event winners and runners up.
2) Car construction awards:
a) Home based RTR based models
b) Cast Resin or fibreglass moulded body models
c) 3d printed chassis/body models
Proxy Application Form- to be made available in June
Car Entry
Entrants are now able to enter 2 cars for separate events of the 3 for a limited period. This will be initially restricted to 20 entry places, and the remaining places will be allocated for single car entries. Should there be a shortfall in entrant numbers the possibility of increased number of two car entries could be extended.
However there is no Team award for two car entries in this Proxy
It is intended that we should have 10 entries for each of the 3 Events in the programme, or 30 cars overall.
Entry fee is £15 for one car and £20 for 2 car entries