9th-Aug-22, 07:41 PM

now with the Summer Grand Prix out the way, and the EIS Proxy starting in October.
It is time to think about next year

I circulated a questionnaire to our loyal band of entrants who have supported the American Road Race and Summer Grand Prix Proxy's this year.
And asked a number of searching questions in regard to their interest in continuing this activity into next year and if so which themes they would most likely to participate in.
I am delighted that everyone I contacted wanted me to carry on next year with organising them, I also asked if we should repeat the Triple Crown concept of 3 related Proxy series, I sensed there was some degree of "Proxy Fatigue" creeping in (including my own), so next year we will downsize to two main Themes, one starting in Spring and the other in Autumn. there will not be a 3rd main Proxy series (of my planning). Although we may well do another Extreme Slotting series if there's still the interest in doing it.
In doing this I came to the conclusion that in principal we attract a regular number of loyal entrants and hosts and in effect could declare ourselves as a Proxy Club to which I have now titled this thread, which we can use next year to manage our activities on Slotracer online and on our Facebook page.
The number of Rounds was also questioned and mostly the current format of 8-10 rounds was preferred. This of course mostly depends on the number of willing hosts, and I hope that the current group of individuals and Clubs can be counted on to participate next year, but it is not assumed.
The Rules were seen in general to be reasonably understandable, but I will try to use a simpler method next year, so that less errors of judgement are made by entrants who participate. Some of the entrants believed however that I am too accommodating with "rules infringements" and would like greater policing. So I will introduce Scrutineering Penalties to those "performance enhancing infringements" next year.
I decided that as a "Club" we should jointly decide on the themes for next year, so I proposed 7 possible Series Themes and carried out a vote on those listed as below.
The two which was most popular being
So we will run the "Rally Cars Slotting" in the Spring starting on or around the beginning of March 2023
Rules to be posted in the next few days