3rd-Jan-25, 11:22 AM
There is a few clarifications I wish to make regarding this proxy.
Originally this proxy was thought of as a Revoslot GT based proxy as there was some interest in this proposal, however we soon found out that the level of interest was insufficient to make it a stand alone proxy. So it it has evolved into basically a "construction" based structured proxy with the opportunity for those with or without Revoslot Cars to participate in the 3 designated Events for GT1, GT2 and Prototype cars of the era's 80's, 90's and 00's.
It is therefore intended to make the eventual winners of each event representative for each of the construction category types ( Standard Revoslot, Modified Standard RTR and Procars). But this will of course depend on representative cars of each construction category being entered in each event ?
Car lists
The cars I have listed are only those I believe raced within the period of the proxy, they do not include more recent modern designated GT3 or, recent LMP cars etc.
However there are some GT1 cars of that period which effectively became designated GT3 cars as the classifications of the period evolved.
I have included some NSR and Scaleauto cars accordingly (but they must be fitted with permitted motors as listed )
Eligible Motor List
It is expected that we will be using some host tracks where (motor magnetic generated traction) can offer an advantage when cars are fitted with certain motor types (in particular long can motors tend to naturally have higher Torque generated with stronger magnets). So the list has been limited to motors having a similar "measured" Magnetic Traction effect.
Standard Revoslot Cars with metal chassis are permitted within each of the Events accordingly as a "Standard Car Category", however other metal based chassis types like Brass & Wire or steel are only accepted in the Prototype / Group C for Event 3. They are not permitted for GT1 or GT2 cars (Events 1 &2)
In general the rounds are intended to run on Club based tracks (if available), if not other home based tracks maybe included in the series.
For this proxy I will be looking to run 8 Rounds over 4 months. Should I feel it is necessary to run another round in order to break a dead heat situation this can be decided later in the series.
From the feedback list of intended entries so far we are looking at running about 30 cars, but this might change nearer the date depending on the actual number of entrants & cars registering. So although 2 car entries are guaranteed for those who have indicated this wish to date, there will be scope for a 3rd car entry until the Registration date 1st February 2025 (I am only expecting a handful). For this proxy you can have cars running in the same event but they must be of a different construction category.
Entrants list to date
Roadrunners (3)
Makem (3)
Oxo Cube (3)
Mark W (3)
Chris K (3)
BARacer (3)
ModSports (2)
BatManx (2)
LeManx (2)
Brumos RSR (2)
ALS (2)
Paul C (2)
Mike174 (2)
Steve R (2)
Mike B (1)
Mike S (1)
Sam D (1)
I would ask please that if any of the above have changed their intention to enter or their number of entries, that they let me know please earlier rather then later.
Proxy Entry Cost
1 car £15, 2 car £20, 3 car £25
Technical Rules
They have not changed, but I have put them here also for direct reference.
Key Dates
1st February -Registration / Payment.
28th March - Cars to have been Received.
30th March - Proxy Qualifying day
Global GT Challenge - Registration List