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143 Go Help

Those of you with 143 Go cars, could you please measure your car's distance between the axles?  I am looking for a 143 Go car that gets close to 51mm from axle center (front) to axle center(rear).  I want to put my own body on the chassis.  I don't have a hobby shop nearby that I can go measure the cars they have on sale. So, I will be buying off the internet.
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Hello, I do not have many Carrera Go cars, but the 2 that I have, both rally cars, have a 62mm wheelbase. Theremay be some shorter ones, but I am not sure. You may have to shorten a chassis to fit.

Regards, Lloyd.

Hello antediluvian,

The shortest measuring Carrera Go!!! car that I have measures at 54mm. Its the 6 Volt version of the Lightning McQueen cartoon car. I'm pretty sure that the chassis will take a 12 volt motor from another Carrera Go!!! car but cannot guarantee that.

A proper Go!!! Porsche 911 measures at 55mm



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Thank you both!.  The McQueen car and the 911 are 1 mm different. Hmmm, not much really.  I am thinking that trimming the TR6 body 2 mm at each wheel well might get me there on a 911 chassis. Excellent. I will look for a used 911 car to mmmmm modify! Or, maybe when I mold the TR6 body, I will stretch it where the doors are.
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