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Policar track

I recently saw a one half straight that combines Policar track to Ninco track. This makes me wonder how similar Policar is to Ninco and if the curve radius would allow say a Policar outer curve with a Ninco inside curve so a 4 lane track could be made? 
 I currently have a lot of Ninco track, but would need more R4 curves to complete some larger layouts. Ninco R4 curves are quite scarce these days.
[+] 1 member Likes Zippideedooda's post

There is a graphic that occasionally does the rounds on the Facebook slot car groups that compares the geometry of various track systems. I saw it over the weekend… could I find it just now? Sorry. Next time, I’ll grab it.

Probably the best bet is to contact the retailer you plan to buy the Policar track from and ask them. For the chance of a sale, they’ll hopefully find out.

Or use the measurements from Policar’s diagram…


Well that is helpful. Thank you. I'll look for that Facebook site as well.

Hello Zippideedooda,

I Updated my layout from Ninco to Policar so am familiar with both systems and their compatability. I did the update in three stages and had a hybrid track during the transition period thanks to the adaptor sections that you mention. 

Both have exact same slot spacing and overall width with the result that the adaptor pieces are fully in a straight line with both track systems

The first bad news is that the Policar slot is slightly deeper and cars with a deep guide will find a step in the slot. This was not a big deal for me and if your cars all run ok on Ninco then you should not notice the difference. 

Second bad news is that the radii are different. So having a 4 lane track with Ninco inner curves with Policar outer curves would have gaps and perhaps mismatches. I thought I would be able to simply lift the Ninco track and lay the Policar in the same position but I had to adjust the scenery and such because of the Policar difference. It might have been quicker for me to clear the baseboard completely and start again.  
At the end of the rebuild, the layout was pretty much the same as it had been. Ultimately I used the two adaptor pieces by joining the two Ninco ends to give me a full straight secion.



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[+] 2 members Like Scuderia_Turini's post

Hello Leo, That's just the information I was looking for. Although I would have liked to hear that the curves matched up. But thanks so much for sharing your experience.
 If you wouldn't mind posting some pictures of your layout, I would like to see the difference. 

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