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Question Ninco to Policar with Oxigen?


a burning question here :) I have a decent track length from ninco, which I am still very satisfied with.

Now I really want to do more with digital in the near future. Since Ninco is really becoming very scarce here in the Netherlands, and Policar has recently made a nice lane change, I wondered if it would ever be possible to switch from the Policar->Ninco to a digital oxygen Policar with the current ninco track I have now..

so in concrete terms a large part of ninco track, supplemented with policar pieces and of course the digital policar pieces.

I have previously asked this question to a lock specialist in the Netherlands, and he indicated that due to the sparking under the (ninco) track, the Oxigen battery would quickly empty, now I also hear opposite questions.

Does anyone have any ideas or experience with this?

I'd like to hear it,

Not sure what nonsense he was spewing about sparking and "battery" but that seems like nonsense.

You can absolutely make a large oXigen track with mostly NINCO track. Policar make/sell a NINCO to Policar adapter. You would need one adapter set per lane changer. Depending on the layout size and design, only a couple lane changers would be necessary. You don't need one in every spot one will fit. :)

Do you have any NINCO N-Digital lane changers? If so, you can also get some oXigen lane changer boards to install into them so that you can continue using them for oXigen.

hello, thank you for your answer,

the specialist here indicated that Carrera was the best for digital (agreeing with that, but it's a shame if you have so much Ninco), I then asked about the possibility of switching from Ninco to Policar digital pieces, and using them with Oxigen, so I got the answer that Due to the sparks under the track, the Oxigen battery would run out very quickly.

I also thought it was a vague answer, and would like to go digital with my current Ninco setup in the future.

I currently do not have any digital lane changers from Ninco, but I can buy them from Policar from our specialist, I already have the Ninco-> Policar adapters :)


(12th-Jan-25, 09:59 AM)Ninco2000 Wrote:  the specialist here indicated that Carrera was the best for digital (agreeing with that, but it's a shame if you have so much Ninco), I then asked about the possibility of switching from Ninco to Policar digital pieces, and using them with Oxigen, so I got the answer that Due to the sparks under the track, the Oxigen battery would run out very quickly.

I also thought it was a vague answer, and would like to go digital with my current Ninco setup in the future.

I currently do not have any digital lane changers from Ninco, but I can buy them from Policar from our specialist, I already have the Ninco-> Policar adapters :)


The only "battery" in oXigen is in the controller, and that's only if you want to put a battery in them, as they are also designed to be powered by a wired power supply. As such, I can only suggest that your "specialist" is ignorant of the specifics of the system, and may simply be trying to get you to buy something else. Carrera Digital is great, though trying to use your NINCO track with Carrera digital will require a bit more work than for Policar/oXigen.

Maybe there is a problem with translation to English, but there are no "sparks under the track" either. I could try to figure out what that means, but I don't think it's worth trying to decipher.

Rest assured, you can use your NINCO track, with Policar converters, to install Policar lane changers, and run oXigen on the track without any nonsensical issues such as "battery drain due to sparks."


I agree with Mr Flippant. I too have a large number of Ninco track sections, but no room to set up a second track. But I don't see any reason why a Ninco/Policar/Oxygen digital track would not work. And if your still not convinced, just order some Ninco Double Lane changers from Professor Motor here in the U.S., and put oxygen switches in them. They have them for sale without the electronics.
Best of luck, 

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