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Well this has been a lot of fun.
Creating replicas of Grant Williams other Jaguars....

Preparing for a recreation of Goodwood thrills and spills with the likes of Nick Swift, Fred Shepherd and the irrepressible Grant Williams.

They will all be racing their Scalextric representative cars in a recreation of the St Marys Trophy at Bicester Heritage tomorrow evening.

Tickets are still available Tickets

Opens at 6pm and runs till 9pm

You can not only have a go for the fastest lap, you might also win the chance to race in our pro-am feature race at the end of the evening and partner with a Revival Legend. Prizes for Podium placings :-)

Come and join us for some fun.
[+] 6 members Like woodingboys's post

Fabulous Thumbup

Hope it all goes well.
[+] 1 member Likes JasonB's post

Thank you Jason. Will share some photos.
[+] 2 members Like woodingboys's post

Really nice Job - Great work!!

What a great night at the Hagerty Hangout last night.

Not only did we have a lot of fun, we managed to raise just over £1800 for the Mission Motorsport Charity.


Our pro drivers  getting just as competitive and just as sideways, but maybe with an even bigger smile on their faces than when they are in the real thing.

It always pleases me to see how quickly racing drivers get the flow of a track, even if it is one they know like the back of their hands.

Huge thank you to not only the pros, but to Gary Skipp who very kindly came along and operated as a one man pit mechanic, fettling all the cars and giving everyone a fantastic experience.

Lovely to see 'John' from Rockingham Slot Racing club (hope you know who you are as I didnt catch your forum name).

And lovely to be able to bring the real world cars together with their Scalextric equivalents


And finally thanks to all the people who came along and supported with our fundraising efforts.
[+] 2 members Like woodingboys's post

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