8th-Aug-24, 04:18 PM
The Return of DRAWW (Seattle, WA, USA)
The Digital Racing Alliance of Western
Heyas! The pandemic pretty much killed DRAWW as it was back in 2020. I finally got my track and garage back to hosting condition and have hosted a couple analog races with EMSA, so I now feel comfortable opening it up again for digital racing!
Since 4 years is a long time, I don't expect some of the original group to return. Things change, kids grow up, etc. It's the natural order of things, and I don't begrudge them for it. That does mean, however, that we'll need more people to come join us!
If you're in the Pacific Northwest of the USA, and especially the Puget Sound (Washington) area, then I hope you will see this and decide to come and have a race. Even if you've never raced with other people, let alone on a digital track, you are welcome! If you're not in the area, but know some racers who are, please let them know about this group and post.
I'm scheduling this for Saturday, August 24th. That's just over two weeks from now. Racing will be VERY casual at first, and I will provide cars and controllers to anyone that does not have Scalextric Digital or oXigen digital cars/controllers. Please don't let the lack of equipment stop you from coming!
Doors will open at noon, and we'll race until the evening, or whenever people are tired of it, whichever comes first, but before dinner time. ;-)
I will provide pizza, drinks of all kinds, and other snacks, too. :)
The Digital Racing Alliance of Western
Heyas! The pandemic pretty much killed DRAWW as it was back in 2020. I finally got my track and garage back to hosting condition and have hosted a couple analog races with EMSA, so I now feel comfortable opening it up again for digital racing!
Since 4 years is a long time, I don't expect some of the original group to return. Things change, kids grow up, etc. It's the natural order of things, and I don't begrudge them for it. That does mean, however, that we'll need more people to come join us!
If you're in the Pacific Northwest of the USA, and especially the Puget Sound (Washington) area, then I hope you will see this and decide to come and have a race. Even if you've never raced with other people, let alone on a digital track, you are welcome! If you're not in the area, but know some racers who are, please let them know about this group and post.
I'm scheduling this for Saturday, August 24th. That's just over two weeks from now. Racing will be VERY casual at first, and I will provide cars and controllers to anyone that does not have Scalextric Digital or oXigen digital cars/controllers. Please don't let the lack of equipment stop you from coming!
Doors will open at noon, and we'll race until the evening, or whenever people are tired of it, whichever comes first, but before dinner time. ;-)
I will provide pizza, drinks of all kinds, and other snacks, too. :)