17th-Nov-23, 11:52 AM
In Car Pro (ICP)
A gentleman by the name of Ian Harding did some great work a good few years back creating third-party firmware for Scalextric decoders (in particular those using the 16F630 microcontroller such as the C7005/6 and C8515 revs F/G and the older version of the C8516).
The code is known as ICP v3.3 and it has several advantages over standard Scalextric firmware as follows:
1/ it removes analog mode thereby reducing power surges as vehicles traverse lane changers (or other dead-spots).
2/ when used with the APB it enables adjustable braking strength and control of
vehicle lighting including functioning brake lights.
3/ it adds 7bit motor control via throttle mapping giving finer resolution at lower speeds. Standard SSD is normally limited to 6bit resolution.
Many APB users over the years have enjoyed the opportunity to upgrade their decoders to unlock these additional features. They, including me, all owe a big thank you to Ian.
With the introduction of ARC PRO and C8515 rev H decoder, both a few years back, I took a further look at updates to ICP firmware (building on Ian’s great contribution).
I transferred the firmware across to the later C8515 rev H decoders (which are based on the newer 16F1503 microcontroller) and I added the following:
1/ IR LED strobe timeslots changed from 48 microseconds to 45.75 microseconds to improve lap counting reliability across all other SSD powerbases (including ARC PRO). The v3.3 firmware was specifically designed and tested for use with the APB.
2/ the 7 bit throttle curve was modified for improved compatibility with ARC PRO internal throttle curves plus options were added for both ‘standard’ motors (A06) and ‘hot’ motors (A00).
3/ Improvements were introduced to suppress a noise related ‘non-power-up’ issue which affected some users and which was unique to ARC PRO when only lightly loaded.
This updated release is known as ICP v4.0.1 and it has been widely shared from 2019 onwards. All user feedback has been positive with the exception of two users who are/were operating braided/routed SSD tracks.
On this basis ICP v4.0.1 remains the latest release version but any new users should be aware it is not recommended for use with braided/routed tracks. This applies both to release versions v3.3 and v4.0.1. Copper taped tracks are reported to be OK.
So does the ICP story stop there?- well no and yes.
Myself and fellow enthusiast Dave spent a fair bit of time looking into the braided track issue. We drew firm conclusions around the underlying cause. ICP v3.3 and v4.0.1 were found to have a vulnerability to electrically generated noise caused by braid-to-braid surface friction. We then proceeded to develop new firmware code which fully suppresses this noise characteristic.
The results have been highly positive and the learning will be applied to all future decoder firmware design in which we are involved.
That said, given that very few SSD users have braided/routed tracks there is no current plan to release an updated version of ICP.
It remains a possibility for the future.
A gentleman by the name of Ian Harding did some great work a good few years back creating third-party firmware for Scalextric decoders (in particular those using the 16F630 microcontroller such as the C7005/6 and C8515 revs F/G and the older version of the C8516).
The code is known as ICP v3.3 and it has several advantages over standard Scalextric firmware as follows:
1/ it removes analog mode thereby reducing power surges as vehicles traverse lane changers (or other dead-spots).
2/ when used with the APB it enables adjustable braking strength and control of
vehicle lighting including functioning brake lights.
3/ it adds 7bit motor control via throttle mapping giving finer resolution at lower speeds. Standard SSD is normally limited to 6bit resolution.
Many APB users over the years have enjoyed the opportunity to upgrade their decoders to unlock these additional features. They, including me, all owe a big thank you to Ian.
With the introduction of ARC PRO and C8515 rev H decoder, both a few years back, I took a further look at updates to ICP firmware (building on Ian’s great contribution).
I transferred the firmware across to the later C8515 rev H decoders (which are based on the newer 16F1503 microcontroller) and I added the following:
1/ IR LED strobe timeslots changed from 48 microseconds to 45.75 microseconds to improve lap counting reliability across all other SSD powerbases (including ARC PRO). The v3.3 firmware was specifically designed and tested for use with the APB.
2/ the 7 bit throttle curve was modified for improved compatibility with ARC PRO internal throttle curves plus options were added for both ‘standard’ motors (A06) and ‘hot’ motors (A00).
3/ Improvements were introduced to suppress a noise related ‘non-power-up’ issue which affected some users and which was unique to ARC PRO when only lightly loaded.
This updated release is known as ICP v4.0.1 and it has been widely shared from 2019 onwards. All user feedback has been positive with the exception of two users who are/were operating braided/routed SSD tracks.
On this basis ICP v4.0.1 remains the latest release version but any new users should be aware it is not recommended for use with braided/routed tracks. This applies both to release versions v3.3 and v4.0.1. Copper taped tracks are reported to be OK.
So does the ICP story stop there?- well no and yes.
Myself and fellow enthusiast Dave spent a fair bit of time looking into the braided track issue. We drew firm conclusions around the underlying cause. ICP v3.3 and v4.0.1 were found to have a vulnerability to electrically generated noise caused by braid-to-braid surface friction. We then proceeded to develop new firmware code which fully suppresses this noise characteristic.
The results have been highly positive and the learning will be applied to all future decoder firmware design in which we are involved.
That said, given that very few SSD users have braided/routed tracks there is no current plan to release an updated version of ICP.
It remains a possibility for the future.