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Yes, the cars on the top part are facing the wrong way. Flow is clockwise, around the big sweeper, up through the donut (raises 250mm from the board to the return hairpin), down along the back wall, p...
My track was transplanted from the garage at our old place to a spare bedroom, so was shortened about 3m, resulting in a tight, twisty yet flowing 3 laner. Made from 12mm MDF, 9mm slot, copper braid. ...
Hi, I've rebuilt my old wood routed track into a small spare room, which necessitates redoing the timing system. I know the Audino Uno connection to the PC is ok and working, but am unsure about wiri...
Hi, I'm a long term keen slot racer living in the Snowy region on NSW, Australia. I am a member of the local (ACT located) slot car club, and lived and raced in the ACT for a number of years.