Slot Trumps

Registration Date: 5th-Nov-21
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Local Time: 4th-Dec-24 at 08:46 PM
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Additional Info About Slot Trumps
Favourite Slot Car:
Scalextric Maserati MC12 GT1
Favourite Track Type:
Favourite Motor Sport:
Rallying / Formula 1
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I fallen in love with the hobby again 9
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I fallen in love with the hobby again What floats your boat?
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My Ari Vatanen Mk2 Escort was lapping the track to neatly, it just didn't look enough like a real Mk2 escort rally car so I took the magnet out and now I can "drive" it in the same spirit as Ari Vatanen did, plenty of rear end slides out the corners! Much better.

This made me feel all nostalgic and reminded me of being a kid in the 1990's when the cars didn't have such strong magnets in them as they do now and I'd spend hours learning to control the cars whilst also trying to be fast.

I have now started removing the magnets from my collection and there is some fettling and work needed to make them fast again but it's the tinkering that's just as much fun as the racing for me so I'm okay with that and tyre cleaner is making a big difference here. 

I was surprised by how good the Scalextric BMW E30 M3 is without the magnet, no fettling required at all to get the car to run nicely, it just took off like a scalded cat and stuck to the track like glue in the corners still. Okay so it's not lapping quite as fast as it did with the magnet in but it's still quick enough and is certainly a lot more stable in the corners than the Mk2 Escort, a set of c1's or Wasp tyres will probably make a massive difference over the standard scalextric tyre. 


Even the classic F1 cars are much more fun to race, without the magnet in I'm not constantly catching the other lanes rail and having a pendulum effect spin, they are much easier to control now. The slides can be controlled they are much more progressive and the cars look more like the real cars exiting the corners with a bit of slide just like they did in the 1970's. 


Anyway if you've read this far thanks for keeping an interest, I just wanted to share some of my experiences from the last couple of days. I've got a lot to learn still especially if I want to get my big GT cars as fast as possible without the magnets.