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RE: Painted Scalextric boarders 11
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Painted Scalextric boarders Scenery
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Hello again, 

Here are a couple of pictures of some repainted Scalextric Sport borders.

Fully agree with the earlier advice,  you must make sure that you degrease each border before painting. As with most things like this preparation is key.   I used "builders industrial wipes " to degrease each border and  track piece.   I got them from Wickes,  and they worked a treat. 

I then used an automotive primer in grey, designed for use on plastic,  and sprayed each border and every track piece,  over 200 of them.
Time consuming but well worth the effort.    Do remember to mask the rails if doing track pieces!!

I then painted each piece with Ultra smooth masonry paint,  again grey,  by hand.  One good even coat,  and then left to dry. 

Some borders were decorated with grass scatter,  or Cork granules to represent gravel.   It was spread by hand over PVA glue and then sprayed in place with diluted PVA mixture.   

Absolutely no issue with paint not sticking to the borders or track using this method.   The scatter on the outside of the bends does get lifted by cars running wide, but the paint has never lifted on the borders themselves.  Some of the track has picked up scratches from use, but this actually looks quite realistic and no track surface is perfect! 

Really important to degrease each border section,  not sure if using a primer is necessary,  but it worked perfectly for me. 
Ultra smooth masonry paint gives a really nice level of grip,  better than Scalextric Sport Track,  but still allowing cars to drift nicely. 

Any questions just ask.
