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True Vintage Scratch Build 11
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True Vintage Scratch Build Vintage
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[attachment=12573][attachment=12572][attachment=12571][attachment=12570]       I bought this car at a boot sale over ten years ago, it was in a box along with other cars a spares. They all dated from the same time. I have never been able to find out who built it but I just am in awe of the work that went into building it. It is 1/32 and apart from the motor, gears and wheels the complete car is hand made.
The main body is carved from balsa wood and is covered in aluminium foil. The chassis, suspension and steering are all brass. The front leaf springs are separate from the chassis mounted on small shackles so they actually work to a small extent. All I have done to the car since I found it is to clean and lube the motor and fit new MRRC tyres to the rear as the old ones were rock hard. I have run it a few times and although not fast is a real pleasure to drive with a great tail out attitude in the corners.