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East Lancs Slot Racing Club 6
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East Lancs Slot Racing Club Your Club
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The East Lancashire Slot Racing Club is now open for racing every Tuesday evening. Born from the ashes of the Pendle Club following the need of the shop for more storage space, the new club has a hard core of members from the old. The track is new 4 lane Policar on a firm permanent wood base and measures 104 feet.

Visitors and potential new members very welcome. The first nights racing is free, and we have spare cars available for use.

The venue is in an entertainment complex 'The fun House' (formerly Earnies's) in the centre of Colne. There is plenty of free parking (after 6) adjacent to the venue.
The club room is at street level and wheelchair friendly. There are cafes and toilets on site.

The Fun House
Dockery Street

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 Reactions:Brian George, mtucker666, Chris - DSR and 7 others