Anthony B

Registration Date: 21st-Mar-19
Date of Birth: 20th-Apr-56 (68 years old)
Local Time: 9th-Oct-24 at 04:15 PM
Status: Offline

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Additional Info About Anthony B
Ex South Africa, been into slots for 53 years now. However into vintage racing and vintage cars built from parts in the 60's.
Favourite Slot Car:
Monogram Lotus 38
Favourite Track Type:
Wood routed.
Favourite Motor Sport:
Le Mans
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RE: Belgian Kyalami - my New Revell Track 14
Thread Subject Forum Name
Belgian Kyalami - my Revell Track build Show us your track
Post Message
Hub - I have added foliage, but then stopped as I need the correct colours (currently all my purchases sitting with my daughter in the UK - collecting in Nov :) )

In the interim I have been adding more to the base - plaster bandage laid on the board. And with colours on the track.
Initially bought a tin of grey but it was far too light.

As can be seen here


I then bought some more paint (after failing to darken my original grey purchase) with a tin of paint called 'Stone'. It is a floor paint, so is not gloss smooth when painted on.
This is the update:


Looks good so this will be the solution for the whole track.

The laid base near the controllers:


This is how it looks at the moment:
