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3DP working wing light Slot.it Audi R18 8
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3DP working wing light Slot.it Audi R18 3DP
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Hi all,

Some years ago I tried to make working wing lights on Slot.it's 4WD Audi e-tron quattro R18.
First using the original non-transparant wing. That turned out to be too weak...
Then I drew a new wing and had it printed by Shapeways (https://www.shapeways.com/) in a transparent material. 
That material turned out to be too brittle for the hard slotcar life...
Now Shapeways has a new material. SLA Plastic - Accura® 60. 
I hope this transparent plastic is stronger than the plastic from my first attempt. Anyone familiar with this plastic material?
One of these days I hope to get a print in the new material. 

To be continued...

The printed wing...
[Image: DiEq3wL.jpg]

2 small LEDs on each side of the wing...
[Image: ktgb7Gs.jpg]

The end result... (no lights on the left car)
[Image: YDM4xVK.jpg]

Here I used an original transparent wing from Slot.it... 
[Image: 7jhnXZf.jpg]