
Registration Date: 16th-Mar-23
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 9th-Oct-24 at 04:01 PM
Status: Offline

knoath's Forum Info
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9th-May-23, 09:46 PM 09:46 PM
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4 Hours, 39 Minutes
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Additional Info About knoath
Favourite Slot Car:
Aus Touring Cars
Favourite Track Type:
Routed MDF
Favourite Motor Sport:
Circuit racing
Favourite Race Track:
Mt Panorama, Bathurst
knoath's Most Liked Post
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DG Raceway - Routed 2 lane 11
Thread Subject Forum Name
DG Raceway - Routed 2 lane Show us your track
Post Message
I began DG Raceway in 2019, 2 lanes, routed MDF. I modelled a few corners from Mt Panorama, Bathurst, this middle section of the track features from the exit of The Cutting, up through Sulman/Reid, through McPhillamy and over Skyline, down through the Esses and round Forrest's Elbow. The rest of the track is just a means to an end.
It's on castors so I can move it out of the slot room into the garage for access all around for scenery work (should get round to that...)
I'll let the pics do the talking...
[Image: img20200120192302-jpg.234003]

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[Image: img_20201124_083206-jpg.244277]

[Image: img20201129090024-jpg.245487]

I've used Magnetic Racing's Pit Tower module, modified it a bit, for the race control, need to add some detail to that yet. I bought a 3d resin printer so I'm printing spectators etc. and painting them at the moment. I'll grab some more pics soon as these are getting old now...