
Registration Date: 1st-Dec-22
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Local Time: 9th-Oct-24 at 04:26 PM
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RE: Cars bought by members in 2023 9
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Cars bought by members in 2023 1:32 Scale
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I’ve not quite been pacing up and down waiting on the postman, but I did run to the door when he rang the bell.

My first job in PR was at Austin Rover back when this was winning. No surprise then, this and the Metro 6R4 are very dear to me.

[Image: 329385463_519284443679241_37725105128586...e=63EC29BD]

Looking at it I suddenly remembered being given a passenger lap of Silverstone, driven by Win Percy. The cornering forces seemed to defy physics. It was media day, weeks before the event, so probably not the actual car this is a model of, but still a nice mental visit back to 1986.