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One day this will happen, what are your plans for wireless brushless motor control?
I’ve thought about it.
There’s enough brushless stuff on the market already although there is no digital brushless digital chips Idea However digital doesn’t take kindly to the sort of speeds brushless slots cars typically achieve.
Let’s just say that if the MPD ever ran out of development opportunities I might have a look at it. For analogue stuff it’s a walk in the park.

A wireless brushless set up as you say. The controller is the same. I would need to change the motor and brake drive and up the size of certain components and make the board bigger.
The trouble is I have the next 18 months maxing out the MPD firmware so unfortunately only one step at a time.
There's some brushless stuff on the market, the vast majority of it aimed at flexy steel chassied foam tyred vacuform bodied ISRA style racing...non of which you see on the popular Slot car forums which are mainly hard plastic body/chassis cars.
Brushless Slot cars are still at the infancy stage much like the early days of brushless RC cars with sensorless motors and basic brushless Esc's about 10 years or so ago.
A wireless brushless MPD type chip with inbuilt throttle mapping, dyno and telemetry would blow the lid off it. 

Hi Kevin and fellow enthusiasts,

    I couldn’t help myself so I made a mock up of what it would look like except you can double the size of that board. Rofl
Of course you could have the chip mounted at the driver station rather than the car. 
But if used in car you get the full back EMF real time dyno experience ie. rpm, power, torque.
And yes you could have a version that is non wireless but that doesn’t interest me somehow.

Obviously we already have the backbone of this concept already and would simply need the motor/brake drive modified.
To redesign the chip 8 hours work.
To modify firmware 8 hours plus debugging.
So very doable.

Pics below of a mock up.

Obviously there would be 3 wires to the brushless motor not the 2 in the mock-up.
Well it’s only a 2 pole motor. 
And I don’t have any brushless motors.
Just planting a seed for a specialised wireless BLDC motor decoder with inbuilt smarts, lights etc. 

I may revisit this when the time is right.

I may have a rapid fire solution. 
I found a Brushless DC motor driver 8amps 8-40V that can piggyback off the MPD. We will use the 52805 radio chips processor to do all the brushless stuff. 
The Texas Instruments BLDC driver is just 5x7mm. And just $10USD.
The unit will connect to the MPD via 4 wires then heatshrunk together as these things will always be sitting on metal chassis’. The advantage here is the motor drive can be changed quickly should it ever fail and cheap at $10. It also keeps heat off the MPD. Small, cheap and modular!

It has various in/outs for key functions which could be configured on the MPD using the OLED as a menu screen.

Here’s some info.
Control (FOC), Configurable motor startup and stop options, Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation, Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET), Variable monitoring through DACOUT, Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive.

Some cool IO’s here to work with Cool
And it will be wireless only. And only compatible with the Scorpius controller.
Team Scorpius is pleased to announce we will fast track this and hope to have a working prototype soon after MPDV2.0 prototype arrives in March. Cool